How do I fetch the __RequestVerificationToken for my report bot

  1. What do I want to achieve?
    I want to fetch the __RequestVerificationToken which is required for things like group bots/accounts
    I am trying to achieve this in python/node js

  2. What is the issue?
    I have below code but it does not work anymore(it used to work a few months ago)

def getRequestVerificationToken(cookie):
    session = requests.Session()		

    xcsrfToken ="", cookies={".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie}) #xcsrfToken only works with requests, not session
    xcsrfToken = xcsrfToken.headers["x-csrf-token"]

    session.cookies.update({".ROBLOSECURITY": cookie})
    session.headers.update({"referer": "", "x-csrf-token": xcsrfToken})

    requestHTML 			 = session.get("")
    soup 				     = BeautifulSoup(requestHTML.text, "html.parser")
    requestVerificationToken = soup.find("input", {"name" : "__RequestVerificationToken"}).attrs["value"]
    return requestVerificationToken

1 — Why do you want to make an SPAM REPORT BOT
2 — This method is very bad
3 — It’s against the rules
4 — It’s not a Roblox Studio “-related” or “development related” thing.
5 — Yes, I know exactly why you want to make a report bot, blackmail