How do I file a DMCA counter-notice?

Someone falsely copyright claimed clothing THAT I MADE and sent DMCA takedowns on 5 of my items and in the email they give you zero information on how your supposed to respond with a counter-notice besides which email to send it to. What details am I supposed to include? Is there a template I’m supposed to follow? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find anything on this topic, please help.

Does your clothing have any copyrighted or trademarked material on it like company logos or a very close copy of someone else’s clothing design? If so then it’s a legitimate DMCA violation.

If there’s nothing about it that’s even remotely a violation then contact
Fill out the information in the template there with as much detail as you can including images, dates, proof that it’s your material etc.

No these are custom made clothes I made entirely in photoshop by myself, I’m wearing the shirt and pants on my avatar right now, the recolored variants I made were falsely taken down, I still have all the original photoshop files and everything to prove it’s mine.

Also which template? That’s what I’m asking for there is no template I can find for what I need to include in a counter-notice so what am I supposed to include?

It isn’t exactly a template, but it asks you what you want to file a support request about. Select DMCA.
Then put in the information I already mentioned.
Be clear, concise, polite and business-like.
Don’t put personal opinions, just use facts with information that proves it’s your content.

Just use the Rights Manager feature

Read more about it here

Note that when a counter-notice has been filed, the DMCA’er can file a lawsuit against you.

I don’t think you can actually appeal through the rights manager that’s just for a take-down request.


You would most likely email: with the asset and your counter-notice, however a counter-notice will reveal your full name and address in most to all cases to the person who submitted the takedown request, and as @DeVague_RBLX stated it opens you up to a lawsuit if it is in-fact in violation of DMCA.

Your full name, address and signature would be required to submit a counter-notice, however I am not a lawyer nor have I gone to law school and I HIGHLY SUGGEST doing your own research on the matter.


Yeah that’s the other thing I’m worried about is now I have to potentially dox myself over someone’s false copyright claim, gonna see if I can get an attorney to submit it on my behalf otherwise I’ll just have to take the risk which is stupid

That’s why most high earning developers (Complete assumption ahead) end up actually forming some type of business (LLC in the states and Sole Proprietorship in Canada or a Corporation) which has it’s own business address removing the chance of doxing. you can usually get a business address mailbox online for like 9.99CAD a month, however I don’t know how suitable they are for legal matters.

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