How do I filter the chat


I am using iChatX and I think that this would be great for my game. But, it does not filter chat messages. Is there a way I can make it filter the chat messages that go through?


I think you can use TextService, hold on let me check.
Edit: Yes, you can its like TextService:FilterAsync()

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Yes you can:

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Use FilterStringAsync Function from textservuce as everyone above said ^

This will return the text filtered.
Also you must have a filter in most of any text cases, or roblox may take actions into this to protect they community.

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How do I use it though? I am slightly confused.

How do I use it though? I am slightly confused.

Devhub is your friend.



local CodeToFilter = "Hello!"
local TextFiltered = game:GetService("TextService"):FilterStringAsync(CodeToFilter, UserId)
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Theres some incorrect code there, based on devforum it actually returns an instance, which you have to use another function on to get the actual filtered message.

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I did that code without testing it and your right.

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Where would I insert this though? Where in the explorer.

(Where in the chat model)

We cannot know what this is a open source model, reffer the creator of that model.

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local randomstuff = "yes"
local TextFiltered = game:GetService("TextService"):FilterStringAsync(randomstuff,UserId)
local Text = TextFiltered:GetChatForUserAsync(ToUserID)

Example would be:

local textService = game:GetService("TextService")
        local filtered = textService:FilterStringAsync(message, plr.UserId)
        filtered = filtered:GetChatForUserAsync(plr.UserId)
        -- do what you want with the filtered string
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But I sent the asset ID in the topic post.

Where do I put the script though, do I put it as a local script?

Alright hold on, let me put this model in some random game I have so I can figure out where I can put the code.

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Where do I put the script though, do I put it as a local script? Sorry I am a noob.

My example was just an example on how to use TextService

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Why does a module that does chat not automatically filter anyway?

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