but then my tool would be useless as i want my tool to spawn it and it is a server script it isnt local
So you want it to spawn a part when a player equips a tool, and then print something when that part is spawned?
i want the tool to spawn something when its clicked i have coded that and it works im doing print to test that it is working i want to make the part remove cash from the leader stats
Ok, to help me understand, what part are you confused about.
i want to know how can i make my script recognize the part that gets spawned and destroyed so i can code that part to do stuff
Ok, so you already have your script in the tool that spawns it.
So the script above, I would put in serverscriptservice, so that it would basically be watching for the part to spawn, and then do something when the part does spawn.
well i do that but it dose not work and dose not give a error
Okay, can you verify that the part is being spawned inside of the workspace and has the correct name?
yep its at the far bottom
this is when you play the game through studio right?
If it’s already spawned when the game starts then it won’t fire.
no i check it it spawns when i click
Oooh, wait, is your script in the tool a localscript?
no its a server script not a local it wount work if it isn’t server
I may either be really stupid or I’m just not understanding some part of this, because it should work, could you send a picture of your fully expanded tool and serverscriptservice.
Could you send a video of you spawning in the part, with your workspace included.
i dont have any recorders on hand
i click the part appers and it spawns in the workspace too after 15 secs it destroys
It destroys itself after 15 seconds?
yes becuse i dont want it to stay there forever