How do I find out what asset caused my game to get moderated?

I’ve seen some guides here and there on the DevForum, but nothing that really has an in-depth explanation on how to find which asset is causing this mess. I am seeking for something that fills that gap. I am sick of ROBLOX moderating games I make and giving no explanation, and I find it infuriating that I have to wait for our glorious omniscient and omnipotent AI overlords at moderation to wait two days to process what asset caused my game to go down.

For context, all I know is that said asset is not a piece of clothing or an accessory. My game is a military game, to help give some idea of what I am dealing with here. I have already fixed up issues that I knew would cause moderation issues (like a medical system of sorts, all issues were fixed there as far as I know).

Asset Manager was a dud, pages came up empty. Output was a dud, and I know how to use that pretty well, well enough to navigate around it to possibly find an issue. I’m thinking a script can handle it, but I don’t know how said script should be made and written.

The reasoning was “Illegal and Regulated Activites” when I made sure to avoid things that would trigger a moderation note like that.

Help me Developer Forum, you are my only hope.