How do I find out what is causing server lag

Hello all. Thank you for your attention.

I notice my game lags / freezes at times. Could you please kindly guide me on how I can find out what is the cause? Do include instructions on how i can accomplish it.

Much appreciated.

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is there any errors in the output after you play test like

--script past execution time

Does your game have a lot of parts?
Does your game have any virus from free models?

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Hello, You should also include the context which I know is about your wave defense game:

From the game, I know that the lag comes from when the zombie horde spawns. So try this, during an in-game playtest open up the script performance and view it from the server-side. Plus recording a video of this would be really helpful.

Usually, when the server is doing a lot of math it can obviously cause the entire server to lag as it would have to be concerned with client-side replication and stuff. So the first bet would be to check the script activity there.

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