I have multiple parts in different areas in space, I want to find the exact center of all the parts. I am wanting to do this so I can push them all away from each other.
- The center point is where they all would come together.
Assuming your Parts are in a Model Or Folder:
for i,p in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
i represents a number of the items, p represents the object
One jank but simple way to do this without a lot of complex math is to add all of these parts to a Model instance, even if it’s just temporary and use Model.WorldPivot to get the center of the model.
myModel:Model = workspace.Model
local map = workspace.PartFolder
local positionSum = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local numParts = 0
for i, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
numParts += 1
positionSum += part.Position
local center = positionSum / numParts
local newPart = Instance.new("Part")
newPart.Anchored = true
newPart.Position = center
newPart.Parent = map
Can you do numParts = i
I see. So this is a vector3 value? Is this what Blue_Jays is saying just in a simple function?
Yes, you will need a Vector3 value to represent the center, you can make it into a function if you’d like:
function returnCenter(partGroup)
local positionSum = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local numParts = 0
for i, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
numParts += 1
positionSum += part.Position
local center = positionSum / numParts
return center
How do I blast all parts away from the center position, would I simply find which direction the opposing part is from the center, then just multiply that and blast it away, or is it more complex?
function EX()
OwnerPart.Transparency = 1
local model = Instance.new("Model")
for i,v in pairs(ExpParts) do
v.Parent = model
local Center = returnCenter()
for i,v in pairs(ExpParts) do
local ExplDirection = ...
I got this but don’t know how to write expDirection
Seems like exactly what you’d do; once you get the center you can then find the direction to create your forces in for each part
Maybe I just do CFrame:LookAt then I multiply the parts cframe’s look vector? Thats the easiest way I can think of right now… (I might have to make another part and place in the position of the center though, which might be costly)
This is what I was able to come up with…Obviously you can tweak it however you like it but the math works; at the very least you can use the direction vector, which just requires subtracting one CFrame from the other:
function createBlast(partGroup, blastForce)
local center = getCenter(partGroup)
for _, part in pairs(partGroup:GetChildren()) do
local directionVector = CFrame.new(center, part.CFrame.p).LookVector
local attachment = part:FindFirstChild("Attachment") or Instance.new("Attachment", part)
local velocity = Instance.new("LinearVelocity")
velocity.VectorVelocity = directionVector * blastForce
velocity.MaxForce = math.huge
velocity.Attachment0 = attachment
velocity.Parent = part
part.Anchored = false
createBlast(map, 300)
lol I had the exact same question, heres the topic and solution if it helps:
Use @Blue_Jays’ script to find the center,
local PropelForce = 1 -- How forceful you want the parts to explode away from center
for i,v in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
local PropelDirection = -(center - v.Position).Unit * PropelForce
v.Velocity += PropelDirection
Actually not a bad idea; I forgot that you can just adjust the velocity property, I don’t use roblox physics a lot lol:
function createBlast(partGroup, blastForce)
local center = getCenter(partGroup)
for _, part in pairs(partGroup:GetChildren()) do
local directionVector = CFrame.new(center, part.CFrame.p).LookVector
part.Anchored = false
part.Velocity = directionVector * blastForce
createBlast(map, 100)
I got it working!!
Credit to @Blue_Jays I used part of his code to make mine.
Final Code:
local map = workspace.PartFolder
local positionSum = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local numParts = 0
for i, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
numParts += 1
positionSum += part.Position
local center = positionSum / numParts
for i,v in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
v.Anchored = false
local PropelForce = 50 -- How forceful you want the parts to explode away from center
for i,v in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
local PropelDirection = -(center - v.Position).Unit * PropelForce
v.AssemblyLinearVelocity += PropelDirection
I’m also using AssemblyLinearVelocity because I think Part.Velocity is deprecated
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