Is there a way to find who actually put up a UGC for sale? I ask this since there isn’t any way to check who put up a group published UGC for sale.
With AvatarEditorService I can only see if a User or a Group published a UGC. There isn’t really a way to see if the group owner or whatever rank that is lower published a UGC with AvatarEditorService. I did find something that might help me with this and that is ExpectedSellerId, which I found after using AvatarEditorService:GetItemDetails(). With some kind of logic, I tried to go to[ExpectedSellerId]/profile
hoping that that is the actual ID of the person who put up the UGC for sale, but I got an error.
On the DevForum I did see posts that mention ExpectedSellerId, but they mention topics which I don’t understand for now. Like, is it really worth setting up a server for this? How do I even do that?
Anyways, is there any way to check who within a group put up a UGC for sale?