How do I find which player click a text button on a surface gui from a script?

Hello, is there a way to find the player that clicked a Text button in a Surface Gui from a script?


Yes, use a RemoteEvent which will then tell the server what player was. Create a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage and name it “ClickedButton” (for testing purposes), then create a Script in ServerScriptService, insert this code inside:

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remote = replicatedStorage.ClickedButton

remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, ...)
    print(player.Name .. " clicked the button!")

Then you can create a LocalScript under the TextButton and insert this code:

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remote = replicatedStorage.ClickedButton
local button = script.Parent


Once you click the button (or multiple times) it will show it like MasonX890 clicked the button!.

Some reference links to learn how this works:

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It’s a server script inside a SurfaceGui instance so you wouldn’t be able to call FireServer().

I didn’t read correctly, sorry for my misunderstanding.

No problem, the thread’s poster could just use a local script inside a valid local script container, i.e; StarterPlayerScripts/StarterCharacterScripts and correctly reference the SurfaceGui’s GuiButton object from there instead.

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There would be multiple buttons. They would be in different places. They would also be put into their place by a server script, Basically, when the player joins it makes a button for all of these shirts and parents it to a stand. Hopefully that makes sense

just get the LocalPlayer and print(player.Name) when it is Activated.

It from a server script, they don’t work in the workspace, I don’t know why.

Send a RemoteEvent (FireServer) and use a LocalScript to recieve it.

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That would work, but how do I get which player clicked? I need to prompt a purchase the clicking player, and only the clicking player.

Try getting the players Mouse.Hit.p and check if your Part with the SurfaceGui is there.

Ok, this will work for a Text Button right?

Yes, but you need to make a separate part with the text button on it.

Also send this to a LocalScript through a Remote, otherwise this won’t get the mouse.

So, should i just do the part that the Surface Gui is on?

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Say theres a part the SurfaceGui is on. Make another part, weld it to the first, and put the TextButton on it. But I really think a ClickDetector would be easier…

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If i do i Image button would it work better?

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ClickDetector would be easier, just make a Part with a clickdetector on it and don’t use any TextButtons or ImageButtons . That would be the easiest, but if you insist, Text and Image have no difference, the difference is the decorations.