How do i fire a raycast in multiple directions?

Is there any way to for example, fire a raycast up and down simultaneously? I’ve tried an array for it. Like:

local raycastOrigin1 = workspace.Altar.CenterPart.Position
local RayDirection1 = {      --error,10,0),,-10,0)
local RaycastParams1 =
RaycastParams1.FilterDescendantsInstances = {workspace.Altar}
RaycastParams1.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(raycastOrigin1, RayDirection1, RaycastParams1)

But it doesn’t seem to work.

You have to cast 2 rays:

local resultUp = workspace:Raycast(raycastOrigin1,,10,0), RaycastParams1)
local resultDown = workspace:Raycast(raycastOrigin1,,-10,0), RaycastParams1)
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or he could start the raycast 10 studs below the origin point thus creating an makeshift up and down raycast

Yeah but if there is an object above and below, it would only return one object, or if there’s an object between the two at the origin, that would also cause an undesired result. Two rays are sometimes more useful than one.


Thanks! I had no idea you needed two different rays in order to do this.

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