How do I fix "CSG returned error code -6." error thing?

When I was trying to union some union parts that I’d made. An error goes appears with an error code -6. Here are the screenshots and the union files:


Union file(s):
Remington 870 Model.rbxm (4.5 KB)

I also have tried some solutions like restarting Roblox Studio, reinstalling Roblox Studio, and lower Edit Graphics Quality.

Any solutions will be appreciated!

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Hello @rakaxcvn457 ! I have checked your model file and it looks like “Mag” part doesn’t have children (childData that should be stored after you performed Union operation). It’s impossible to say what went wrong from the model you’ve shared, but I’d advise you to re-create “Mag” part and try Union operation again.
I hope that helps!


Yes, it works thank you so much, I’ve been waiting for this for so long!!

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