Hello I made a gui health bar with logo design covering part of it in roblox studio but when I join the game on normal roblox logo and health bar are separate how do I fix this?
Hello I made a gui health bar with logo design covering part of it in roblox studio but when I join the game on normal roblox logo and health bar are separate how do I fix this?
it might be 1 of 2 things, make sure the logo and hp bar are both a children of the same frame, and it also might be because of the screen size change since in studio you have the explorer tab on the right which changes the look of it in game because in studio its a bit squished, to fix this use a resizer plugin that you find most reliable like how @djwchon mentioned this will also help all of your players from countering the same issue if they are also on mobile
Since your actual monitor size is different from how the GUI is shown in Studio, I recommend downloading the GUI Scaler Plugin: GUI Scaler - Roblox.
This plugin makes sure that all of your GUIs are in the same position and size on all aspect ratios.
Use Scale instead of Offset (also use the device UI Emulator)., unfortunately you have to do this manually, there’s plugins for it but I forgot.