I have a free hosted website that stores json data that queries from my sql database, except when i try to get the async it doesn’t work. Even tho I have a SSL certificate.
Maybe someone smarter than me can help?
I got my SSL certificate from ZeroSSL and roblox still brings up that error.
this is a test I did, maybe someone could tell me the problem?
I did just issue it and install it today so maybe roblox didnt index it yet?
You should try RequestAsync
if you need to send an API key.
I don’t think I need to send an api key? how do I check
If it says authentication failed or request denied, you need to send an API key.
it says unable to cast to dictionary?
That’s a syntax error with your code.
local HttpService = game:GetService('HttpService')
local url = "https://aeadminhost.epizy.com/website.php"
-- Make a HTTP GET request to the endpoint URL
local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local response = httpService:GetAsync(url)
-- Convert the response from JSON to a Lua table
local players = httpService:JSONDecode(response)
-- Loop through the players and ban them if they are in the data table
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
for _, data in pairs(players) do
if player.UserId == data.UserId then
player:Kick("You have been banned.")
I don’t see the problematic line of the script. What line is the error on?
There’s no line, it just says Tls verification fail
read the full explanation I wrote.
Oh, that’s an error on the website you are accessing. I recommend reading the documentation of the admin website.
Are you using a free infinityfree domain or paid one?
I am currently using infinityfree.
You can’t use GET nor POST on a free domain. Rest api on free hosting? - Hosting Support - InfinityFree Forum
oh. can you reccomend any alternatives?
Github Pages or Trello.
trello stopped supporting it too a long time ago
for github, how will I set this up? I already have a php script that fetches from my database
Trello API [ReMade] • Use Trello easily in your game! Again you can just use github pages if you wanna.