How do I fix my particle rotation?

I’m struggling with my particle emitter having different rotation each time I emit them

My original effects :

In game effects :

Code Used :

local axeSwing = ReplicatedAssets.Abilities.Paladin.Slices:FindFirstChild("Slice"..LMB):Clone()
axeSwing.Parent = workspace.Effects
axeSwing.CFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
Debris:AddItem(axeSwing, 3)

Particle Structure :

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Hey @MadionChooi, check, if you remove the idle animation from the character for a while so that it has a t-pose, will the error still appear?

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After I removed the idle animation, the error are still there.

No diff b/w og effects and in game.

Big Diff, the line particle infront of the character is randomized

axeSwing.CFrame = Character… * CFrame.Angles()

This is not the problem, I tried it

It’s been a month but i also have the same problem.