How do I fix my profile picture?

For some reason it’s suddenly got stuck as that image ROBLOX uses for pending images? I’ve tried logging in and out again multiple times but it won’t change (On RBX Dev). I also logged out of my computer and tried logging in via my iPad but still nothing

Not sure why this is happening, nothing has changed?

Could an admin ‘forcefully’ reset it?

Try this.

  • Log out of forum
  • Change outfit on ROBLOX
  • Log into forum

I’ve had to log out of both ROBLOX and the devforum, then initiate the login on the devforum in order to get the avatar to change.

For clarification, Discourse will not update your avatar unless you log out of DISCOURSE. Logging out of ROBLOX does nothing.

I changed my outfit to a Santa outfit and this time I logged out a and in of both and RBX Dev but with no success :frowning:

I did log out and in of discourse originally

Maybe it’s one of those things that just take some time to update/reset?

It finally got fixed yay I think my cookie for RBX Dev expired and it forced me out when I opened up my browser this morning. No more pending image for me!

Damn. Now I have to memorize a new icon.

@LMADev Now you have the borked icon! It’s a hot potato.