How do I fix rope constraints doing this?

Why are rope constraints doing this with my character?
and how can I make these balloons stop spinning

this is my code:

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
		BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
		BalloonClone.Parent = Character
		BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame = Character.Head.CFrame *, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))
		BalloonClone:WaitForChild("RopeConstraint").Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
		BalloonClone:WaitForChild("RopeConstraint").Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment
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External Media

characterseaqdwq (bruh why wont it show video)

Rope constraints are likely causing your character to be affected because they are attached between the character’s head and a balloon and the spinning of the balloons could be due to physics interactions or constraints attached to them. Balloons might rotate due to forces applied to them or due to misalignment of their constraint axes.

Assuming those errors try this version of your code with adjustments to potentially address these issues:

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame = Character.Head.CFrame *, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))

-- Adjust the attachment points of the rope constraint
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("RopeConstraint")
ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment

-- Adjust rope constraint properties if needed (e.g., length, stiffness)
ropeConstraint.Length = 10
ropeConstraint.Stiffness = 50 

To stop the balloons from spinning, you can adjust the CFrame of the balloon to ensure that it is aligned correctly when it spawns and consider adjusting the positioning or strength of the rope constraints to minimize their effect on the character. Lmk if something goes wrong!


alright tysm, I will try it out!

for some reason the balloon just goes down now and starts spinning (there is also a error “stiffness is not a valid member of rope constraint”)


Okay then the balloon is going down and spinning because of the physics interaction between the rope constraint and the character’s humanoid so adjust the placement of the balloon and the properties of the rope constraint. Also added calculation to the position for the balloon relative to the character’s head using an offset (balloonOffset). This offset is added to the head’s position to position the balloon above and around the head.
Try using this version.

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character

-- Calculate the position for the balloon
local headPosition = Character.Head.Position
local balloonOffset =, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))
local balloonPosition = headPosition + balloonOffset
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame =

-- Adjust the attachment points of the rope constraint
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("RopeConstraint")
ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment

-- Adjust rope constraint properties if needed (e.g., length, stiffness)
ropeConstraint.Length = 10
ropeConstraint.Stiffness = 50
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ok but it also said that there is no “stiffness” property in rope constraints

True sorry about that this should be right (not rlly knowledged at this theme)

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character

-- Calculate the position for the balloon
local headPosition = Character.Head.Position
local balloonOffset =, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))
local balloonPosition = headPosition + balloonOffset
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame =

-- Adjust the attachment points of the rope constraint
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("RopeConstraint")
ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment

-- Adjust rope constraint properties if needed (e.g., length)
ropeConstraint.Length = 10


no problem man

(ignore, jaisdjoi)


the balloon is still doing the same thing sadly

We will make sure the RopeConstraint exists before attempting to adjust its properties to avoid errors using a warn:

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character

-- Calculate the position for the balloon
local headPosition = Character.Head.Position
local balloonOffset =, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))
local balloonPosition = headPosition + balloonOffset
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame =

-- Adjust the attachment points of the rope constraint
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:FindFirstChildOfClass("RopeConstraint")
if ropeConstraint then
    ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
    ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment

    -- Adjust rope constraint properties if needed (e.g., length)
    ropeConstraint.Length = 10
    warn("RopeConstraint not found in BalloonClone")

Check output after testing

it doesnt warn anything in output so doesnt that mean the rope constraint is there? and i can see the length property is set to 10 and the attachments are set correctly

Weird. In that case it might mean that the rope constraint is indeed present and configured as expected. We need to consider other factors that might be causing the balloon to behave unexpectedly like:

  1. Review any other scripts or components in the game that could affect the ballo’ns position.
  2. Test the balloon script in isolation by removing or disabling other scripts and components in the game.

Heres the code debugged if you want to test

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character

-- Calculate the position for the balloon
local headPosition = Character.Head.Position
local balloonOffset =, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))
local balloonPosition = headPosition + balloonOffset
print("Balloon Position:", balloonPosition)
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame =

-- Adjust the attachment points of the rope constraint
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:FindFirstChildOfClass("RopeConstraint")
if ropeConstraint then
    ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
    ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment

    -- Adjust rope constraint properties if needed (e.g., length)
    ropeConstraint.Length = 10
    print("Rope Constraint Length:", ropeConstraint.Length)
    print("Attachment0:", ropeConstraint.Attachment0)
    print("Attachment1:", ropeConstraint.Attachment1)
    warn("RopeConstraint not found in BalloonClone")

In case the last script didn’t work try using this:

local BalloonClone = script.Balloon:Clone()
BalloonClone.balloon.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
BalloonClone.Parent = Character

-- Calculate a random offset for the balloon
local balloonOffset =, 4), 2.5, math.random(1, 3))

-- Set the CFrame of the balloon relative to the character's head
BalloonClone.balloon.CFrame = Character.Head.CFrame *

-- Find the RopeConstraint in the BalloonClone
local ropeConstraint = BalloonClone:FindFirstChildOfClass("RopeConstraint")
if ropeConstraint then
    -- Set the Attachment0 to the balloon's attachment point
    ropeConstraint.Attachment0 = BalloonClone:WaitForChild("balloon").balloon
    -- Set the Attachment1 to the character's root attachment
    ropeConstraint.Attachment1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment
    warn("RopeConstraint not found in BalloonClone")