How do I fix "ServerScriptService.ChatServiceRunner.ChatService:129: Speaker ' ' already exists!" error?

Ok, so basically I’m trying to create bots for a game and I want them to act like real players, so I thought it would be a great idea for them to be able to “chat” using the chat system.

My problem is that I am using math.random to make a fake player have a randomly selected username and a randomly selected phrase from a list of different phrases and usernames.
However, if a username gets chosen more than once, this error appears in output and the code stops functioning:

Here’s a video of the script in action:

Here’s my script:

local serverScriptService = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
local module = require(serverScriptService:WaitForChild('ChatServiceRunner').ChatService)

local Names = {
--lists a set of usernames for the fake players

local Dialogue = {
--lists a set of phrases that can be said in the chat
		"this game is so rigged!";
		"fire away!";
		"hey guys!";
		"Hi everyone!";
		"This game is so fun";
		"We should play again sometime";
		"Watch me guys";
		"I'm better than all of you";
		"I'm so mad";
		"Oh my gosh";
	    "i'm gonna leave soon";
	    "erm what the...";
	    "OH EM GEE";
	    "HEY Y'ALL";
	    "This game is interesting";
	    "Are there any badges in this game";
	    "Oh hi!";
	    "I just got flung lol";
	    "Skill issue";
	    "It's raining tacos";
while true do
--uses math.random to choose a random name from the list of names
	local randomName = math.random(1, #Names)
	local pickedName = Names[randomName] 
--uses math.random to choose phrase from the list of phrases
	local randomDialogue = math.random(1, #Dialogue)
	local pickedDialogue = Dialogue[randomDialogue]

	local speaker = module:AddSpeaker(pickedName)
	speaker:SetExtraData('NameColor',, 0.5, 1))
	speaker:SayMessage(pickedDialogue, 'All')

I have tried looking through previous posts on dev forum and I have tried watching videos to see how to resolve this error, but I’m still stuck, so help would be greatly appreciated.

You can’t have a second speaker with the same name. Instead of running :AddSpeaker everytime you pick, have all of them already added in a table and then select from that table.

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