How do I fix these rope constraints

The rope constraints are struggling to lift the other parts, even though all of the parts are unanchored. Why can and does a rope constraint even extend past it’s max length??


To answer this, the reason is complicated. For flexible constraints, there will always be some play like this. That’s just the way of it. If a rope is at max length but the first end is pulled forward by a car, the back end must move to catch up. In a non-flexible constraint system, this is straightforward. Just move the back of the rope (or rod) until it is exactly at the desired length, and the desired angle relative to the car. But for flexible or dynamic constraints, it’s more complicated. To make it catch up with the max length allowed, we need to impart a force on both ends of the rope to shorten it. For physics to work properly, the rope needs to have a velocity. So when we impart force to shorten the rope, the rope (and especially the ends of it) gains velocity. If we make this force too strong, it will behave elastically or overshoot and possibly even start flinging around as it continually overcompensates for what is required. This isn’t a a straightforward subject and each flexible constraint needs to be tuned to the forces, lengths, speeds and desired behavior of the constraints.

As far as constraints on Roblox go though, I have no clue how to resolve this. I haven’t used Roblox’s constraints.

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