How do i fix this Custom Player Forcefield

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    im trying to make a custom player forcefield

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    it doesnt work

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    i check devforum and yt but no solution


local FF = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ForceField") --Finds ForceField
FF.Visible = false -- Changes visibility to false

local NewFF = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part.Attachment:Clone() -- Clone new ff
NewFF.Parent = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart-- Change parent to humroot

wait(60) -- wait 60 second
script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Attachment:Destroy() -- boom

here is the script its placed in StarterCharacterScripts as a regular script

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what exactly isn’t working? Can you be more specific? And can you show us how the custom forcefield looks like?

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well i mean that the attachment clones and parent it to the humrootpart but the forcefield part dont and the custom forcefield are just some sphere parts with material forcefield

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I do not think your code is working anymore. I think there is another way of referring the forcefield but I just do not know.

i fixed the code already

If that is the case, I would like the source to your solution. I would like a tutorial since I’m making a custom forcefield too

ok pls wait

mk, ill see later im gonna have dinner now

i opened the model for you also i made it have animation by rotating the smallest circle but its seems very weird spin

cool to hear that as your making custom forcefield and tutorial

i wish you credit me in your tutorial :flushed::pleading_face:

Wait, I did not meant I would make a tutorial-

oops i misread your post

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well here is my tutorial
First you gotta make the forcefield itself then you gotta weld it together if you had more than one part then you unachor,cancollide false,group it then put it replicatedstorage or serverstorage then put a serverscript in startercharacterscripts and in that you gotta first clone the forcefield and put it in the players character then put the PrimaryPartCFrame of the model to the HumanoidRootPart of the character then make a weld from the primarypart of the forcefield to the hrp of character then you you have to check the spawnlocation that you have and see its duration as for me its 10 sec duration for spawn location so after welding it to hrp i wait 10 seconds then destroy the forcefield from player its one of the most stupidest method but it works

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