How do I fix this invisible barrier around my low-poly tree?

So I made my second low-poly tree in blender. (Without leaves) and I wanted to see how it was like when I import it to Roblox studio. When I did that, I anchored it, and pressed play. While I was testing it, I walked up to it, then I started walking on some invisible thing, like there was something around it. I couldn’t even climb on the branches or anything.

How do I fix this so I can be able to get to the trunk of the tree, and climb on the branches and stuff like that? It’s like there’s this invisible barrier around it and it’s preventing me from getting to the tree easily. I need help, please tell me how to fix this. Do I need to fix it in blender, (I use 2.82 by the way) Or is it a roblox studio problem?


Roblox tends to have trouble solving collision for complex meshes even when the RenderFidelity is set to “Precise” (it should be set to precise by default when you imported the mesh). If it still doesn’t collide properly with the character or other objects, your best bet at this point is just to set the meshpart to CanCollide = false and add invisible parts to simulate the collision.


Can you show me the precise setting? I’m really new to this modeling stuff :sweat_smile:


I forgot to specify that it’s a Roblox setting, not a Blender setting -


The collision issues are all on the Roblox end of the process, there’s nothing that can be done in Blender to fix the problem you have.


Oh. Thank you so much for telling me!


Sometimes, ROBLOX’s collision engine is very buggy and can mess up on complex meshes. If you want to use add the trees collision without using ROBLOX “Box” collision, I’d turn CanCollide off and I would make a folder of multiple anchored transparent parts to cover each section of the mesh to make a rough, but decent collision of the mesh.

Concept :


I did set it to precise in the first place, and it did the same thing :frowning:


I’m new to 3D modeling, can you tell me how? I use blender 2.8 btw


Like I said, it’s set to precise by default when you import the mesh into Roblox Studio. You should try what @doyouevenbruh33 and I suggested by setting the meshpart to CanCollide = false and placing invisible parts to simulate the collision more accurately.


Essentially what they mean in simpler terms is set the tree’s collision to off. Then, build invisible parts inside of the tree to simulate the collision.



Isnt that just for rendering? Pretty sure you meant CollisonFidelity:


Yeah, I mixed up the properties by mistake.

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Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason you need to have collisions super accurate?


So what do I set it to, cause I don’t see “precise” on CollisionFidelity. I see Precise and some other things hooked onto that word. I tried clicking it, but it didn’t work. It was like it froze, I could click the other things though :frowning:

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I don’t want players to be like “What the heck!” When trying to approach this tree. It’s like a ramp that’s surrounding the tree. The more I get closer, the more I go up the invisible barrier ramp.


The CollisionFidelity property should be set to default, not precise—that was my bad for mixing them up. It should be “default” by default, so if it’s still exhibiting the issues you should consider the invisible collision parts strategy.

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Ohhh… Thanks for telling me! It was set to default when I loaded it. Thanks for the fix though, I can use it with something else. I’ll just turn cancollide off the tree and then put invisible parts around it to make it more accurate. Thanks for your help though <3

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I would use blender for the mesh, not the collision boxes.

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I did use blender to make this model, how do I fix this problem in blender then?

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Im facing the same issue in 2020, what instructions should I follow @Squishehh ?