How do i fix this problem with joining them together?

I made a vehicle the player can spawn with the :addaccessory code, i want to add an animal thats connected to the sled to make it seem like its been riden by it, in this case its a reindeer and i want to join it to the sleigh, i used joints to keep the reindeers parts together and wield constraints to join the reindeer and the ropes together, and the ropes are connected to the sleigh with wield constraints too, but when i tried it this happened
robloxapp-20240822-1239254.wmv (1.8 MB)
In the video i spawn the vehicle in with the animal, but i can barely move my character and seems its anchored on to something or stuck, when all the parts of the sleigh, rope and animal are unanchored and massless
Screenshot 2024-08-22 124149
Screenshot 2024-08-22 124155
Screenshot 2024-08-22 124816
above is the insides of the reindeer animal model, all are connected to its humanoid root part with joints

does anyone know why i can barely move while the accesory is on my character with the animal on it and why i can barely move with it?

You’ve got 2 humanoids joined together. The Roblox Humanoid physics doesn’t work well that way.
Is the reindeer supposed to be controlled by the player so it actually drives (pulls) the sleigh?

There are a few posts about this kind of thing. I searched “welding player to npc” and found a bunch like the 2 below.
Weld doesn't work as intended
Welding two characters together... ignores massless?

i want to make it join to the ropes. then when the player moves with their running animation, the animal/reindeer will do a running animation too, its not actually pushing the vehicle to make it move but make it seem like it is, you could kind of call it a trick or illusion of some sort

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