i’ve learned raycasting recently and i’d like to use my newfounded skills to detect when a car is midair, this is my code so far:
local pos = PointToCast.WorldPosition - Vector3.new(0,3,0)
local result = workspace:Raycast(PointToCast.WorldPosition, pos)
if result then
if (PointToCast.WorldPosition - result.Position).Magnitude >= 3 then
airborne = true
i immediately assume this wont work (or return a falses positive) since result.Position will probably return the center of the position, not where the raycast actually hit
I forgot to mention that you can just run your code without the magnitude if you were to use a 3.
result would return nil if nothing was hit within 3 studs, so its ok
And very very important, use RaycastParameters to avoid hitting the car itself!
The pos variable you are using should actually be a direction, not a position.
Replace it with this. local pos = Vector3.new(0,-3,0)
Now the ray has a direction of -Y(down), and a length of three studs.
i made this script when i was really tired and i subtracted the position by 3 studs. i have no idea why.
anyways, i fixed all of it since i’m more awake now, but if the car flips over midair it doesn’t count as airborne, how could I make it so it does?
edit: i added raycastparams like @ElVaranCubico_YT said to do, i cant tell if it actually works though since when i go up ramps it thinks im airborne again…
this is my totally 100% efficient and optimized code:
local function ChangeFov(fov)
game.TweenService:Create(workspace.CurrentCamera, TweenInfo.new(0.5), {FieldOfView = fov}):Play()
local PointToCast = script.Parent.Car.Value.Body.Body.PointToCast
local Descendants = script.Parent.Car.Value.Body:GetDescendants()
while task.wait() do
local pos = PointToCast.WorldPosition
local params = RaycastParams.new()
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Descendants}
local result = workspace:Raycast(PointToCast.WorldPosition, pos, params)
if result then
if (PointToCast.WorldPosition - result.Position).Magnitude >= 3 then
if workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView < 90 then
First! the second value on wokrspace:Raycast() is not right. I am extremely sorry for my mistake. this is what you should do:
Currently you are setting the 2 argument to something unrelated thus making it not function as intended. ← as @JarodOfOrbiter said, it’s like the orientation, not the targetPosition!
Second - FilterDescendantsInstances does not filter those instances you’ve added. (using getdescendants) What it does is: filters the descendants of those instances. So you only have to add {script.Parent.Car.Value.Body}. Also you were adding a table inside a table so that wouldn’t work either.
Third - This code is fine
But you can also check it this way
if workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView >= 90 then