How do I fix this weird spinning

Hello, I’m trying to make a ceiling fan for decoration. and this spinning looks weird how do I fix this?

What I did:

  • I put this spinning script from script roblox game
while true do
	script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame *, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0.3, 0)

I hope my english makes sense.


Look at this pivot. (I don’t know what it called)

On the top you can click on “Model” and then Next to “Edit Pivot” There should be an image to reset the pivot. You can click on that to try to reset the pivot. The rotation should be fixed after that.

Look at the square bounding box of your fan. It’s center isn’t the same as the 3 bladed fan center because of the geometry of the blades.

I’d take a Part Cylinder, make it match the exact outer size of all 3 fan blade tips, then when you Edit the Pivot of your fan make it the exact same CFrame as the Cylinder’s Position.

I tried to reset this pivot. and test the game. but it spin weird again.

If I did wrong. what’s next?

Oh yeah, it still uses the CFrame Position.

Anchor a Cylinder and place it as I said, fan tips matching the outer diameter of the Cylinder.
Unanchor the Fan and use a WeldConstraint to weld it to the Cylinder.
Rotate the Cylinder with the script.