How do I fix this?

Each time I launch my game on Roblox Studio it keeps showing me this message:

And once I go check “Script Recovery Widget” it shows this:

Screenshot 2023-03-06 142258

How might I fix this?

I had that problem too, you have to disable Team Create, go to the View Tab, and press Team Create, then pres the , and click Disable Team Create, and you’re done

That is one solution, but I need Team Create on since me and some other people work on the same game together.

Then I don’t know how to help, Team Create is a very buggy model I didaabled it as soon as I could, I heard that you can still develop the same Game if you have a Group, it costs 100 Robux tho…

Right click on the text that says “Script no longer exists” and delete it

I’ve already tried that and it doesn’t work :frowning: