How do i fix this?

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer	
local icon = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(player.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)

if player:IsInGroup(12345) then
	script.Parent.Parent.Visible = true

script.Parent.Picture1.Image = icon
script.Parent.Picture2.Image = icon

script.Parent.NameText.Text = player.Name:upper()

if player:GetRankInGroup(12345) <= 9 then
	script.Parent.RankInfo.Text = "ENLISTED"
elseif player:GetRankInGroup(12345) <= 15 then
	script.Parent.RankInfo.Text = "OFFICER"
elseif player:GetRankInGroup(12345) <= 255 then
	script.Parent.RankInfo.Text = "HEADQUARTER"

local split1 = string.split(player:GetRoleInGroup(12345),"[")
local split2 = string.split(split1[2], "]")
local rank = split2[1]
script.Parent.RankText.Text = rank

script.Parent.AFPSNText.Text = "TPA"..math.random(100, 999)

– This script is client Sided so i want it to be server sided

ID Test (Tool)
ID (Part)
ID (Frame)
Informations (Frame)
LocalScript) – The script provided in the top

Screenshot 2023-08-23 171451

Could you share what the problem is?

Also, you can properly font your code by placing 3 backticks at the front of the code, like:

> ``` 

When i see others player ID it didnt work but when i see in mine is working

Can you perhaps send a video or image of you testing your Script? I don’t get what you quite mean, sorry.

Its only working on me