How do I fix this?

Ok question, I’ve been wanting to do a Christmas GFX for a while now, so I’m finally making one, but when I tried to import the head and this happened:

I’ve tried to delete from files and re-export it in Roblox Studio, but that still didn’t work. Then I tried making another folder and tried saving it into the new folder. Still didn’t work. Then when I was about to give up, I tried to delete any of the materials on the head and re-added them. I ended up with even more stupid results:

If you know how to fix it, please tell me!

Can you give a better view ? i cant see anything clearly

I can’t give a better view, that’s the problem. After I get rid of the texture and re-added it, it just blew up and literally just went on forever

I couldn’t even see the body, its that stuffed

I can’t help your problem, but I suggest that you should get the latest version of blender 2.9 to fix these issues.

I do use blender 2.9 already lol

One sec, I just had an idea to fix it maybe

I nvm I fixed it, before I was trying to literally just spawn one person and separate the head, but I had forgotten that I had to spawn 2 bodys instead, LOLLLL.

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