How do I force a driver in Neutral for a limited time in A-Chassis?

Basically, I’m trying to make a race start system, and I want to make it so the driver can be in the car but the car is in neutral (so they cant jump the start), and when the race begins, I fire a remote event or something to make the car not forced in neutral anymore.

How would I do that?

Hello there

I was facing a similar problem when using A-Chassis for my self driving cars.

The way I figured it out to change modes/ gears/ etc. was by editing the drive script (LocalScript) of the A-Chassis.
The drive script controls the user-inputs: turning, braking, accelerating, shifting gears.

If your racing game uses no automatic transmission, you could get away with adding a new variable (force_neutral for example) in that script and add it to the if-statements that regulate the up- and down-shifting.

-- psuedo code

if input == UP_SHIFT and not force_neutral then

if Input == DOWN_SHIFT and not force_neutral then

You then add a RemoteEvent to the car and reference it in the drive script:
Note that the RemoteEvent does not have to exist in every car, it can be referenced from the ReplicatedStorage as well.

-- pseudo code
local force_neutral_event = game.ReplicatedStorage.ForceNeutralEvent

force_neutral_event:Connect(function(state: boolean)
    force_neutral = state -- either "true" or "false"

You can then use a server script to send a message to the RemoteEvent:

-- pseudo code
game.ReplicatedStorage.ForceNeutralEvent:FireAllClients(true) -- force neutral on every car
game.ReplicatedStorage.ForceNeutralEvent:FireAllClients(false) -- enable shifting on every car again

If your racing game uses automatic transmissions then you kinda need to take a look into how A-Chassis handles that. Nontheless, it should look/ work similar to my example.

Hope this helped you out.
Feel free to ask questions, but note that I have to go thus I might not be able to responde in the next hours.

  • DosenSuppe2_0