I’m so confused. So, I looked all over the place and there is no straight answer. I’m trying to change the controls, for example I want to change the W for forward to be L. I was told to fork the control module so now I’m looking all over the place on how to change that. But I no idea how I don’t see where you could possibly change it. I think I’m just not understanding it. Any help helps, thanks.
Hi! I was kinda bored so I went ahead and found this out for you!
After doing some digging in the PlayerModule I found that in the Keyboard module (it’s inside the ControlModule) on line 121 you can change the KeyCode of the movement controls!
Here’s the module, simply put it in StarterPlayerScripts.
PlayerModule.rbxm (122.7 KB)
However, I understand this is just an example, and that this isn’t exactly what you wanted, so I’ll explain how to change the keybinds to the best of my ability. (Keyboard wise.)
The following screenshot I’ve provided underlines where you can change the keybinds. (Please note that I did space out the lines, but it’s the same none the less.)
I must make you aware of something, each Enum.PlayerActions represents all the keybinds that are meant for that action. So, if you change forwards to W, you lose arrow key binding for forwards movement.
This should help you understand keyboard movements, however if you have something else you wanted changed, I’ll help you find it! Just let me know.
If you want me to, I can explain more in-depth of what this all means code-wise, but for the sake of time I decided to spare you the details.
Thank you so much. This made me soooo happy to see it work.