To elaborate a bit on the title, I am currently making a two player fatality animation and I need the players to freeze during the animation. I’ve tried walk speed & jump power but you can turn using shift lock, I’ve also tried anchoring the player’s humanoid root part during the animation but it doesn’t work, even when I set it to be archivable. I’m looking back to anchoring the player during the animation, but I don’t mind trying other methods of freezing the player.
Here is some of the code.
Edit: This is a server side module script
function combatModule:Fatality(plrChar, emyChar, fatalityName)
local emyHrp = emyChar.HumanoidRootPart
local emyHum = emyChar.Humanoid
local plrHrp = emyChar.HumanoidRootPart
local plrHum = plrChar.Humanoid
local fatalityPlrAnim = script.Parent.Combat.FatalitiesPlayer:FindFirstChild(fatalityName)
local fatalityEnemyAnim = script.Parent.Combat.FatalitiesEnemy:FindFirstChild(fatalityName)
local fatalEnemy = emyHum:LoadAnimation(fatalityEnemyAnim)
local fatalPlr = plrHum:LoadAnimation(fatalityPlrAnim)
emyHrp.CFrame = (plrHrp.CFrame *,0,2.8))
plrHum.WalkSpeed = 0
emyHum.WalkSpeed = 0
if fatalPlr.Stopped and fatalEnemy.Stopped then
plrHum.WalkSpeed = 16
emyHum.WalkSpeed = 16