How do I gain exposure to my Clothing Group?

Hello developers,

Currently I’m a small designer on ROBLOX with a few high quality, original items however I need some help. How do I gain exposure and more people to buy my clothes? If you could leave any advice it would be highly appreciated!

  • callofdutypro9876

Make eye catching ads! That always works! I’ve gained over 1,000 in under 2 months by doing it. The other thing is you should bid about 200 - 250 Robux on each advert. Bidding lower won’t make your ad stand out as much. Hope this helps! Here’s some of the ads I use!

Also the second ad has there spelled wrong, it’s supposed to be spelled their. I messed up haha


Honestly, this is entirely a matter of opinion, but that second style of ad actually makes me less likely to check out whatever it’s advertising. It tells me nothing about the product, and gives me zero incentive to click it, aside from mimicking a celebrity. I suppose it’s good if you want to appeal to a very specific kind of audience, but if you want to draw more people in, I’d personally go for something more like the first option.


The first one and second one are my most popular. Bidding 200 on each gave me over 300 clicks.

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Make ads with your clothing in it, it will attract people who like that style of clothing.


Yeah, this. If you’re actually advertising the product, more people are gonna come check it out. The majority of people aren’t gonna bother if they have no idea what the thing you’re trying to sell actually looks like, especially if it’s something like clothes.


Running Ads is the primary way of getting more sales.
The best way to get more sales is to run Ads for a homestore game for your group.

The fastest and easiest method is front-page boosting, which I don’t recommend because it is risky and costly.

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Make ads. Making ads can attract people and make more people join your group and buy your clothing. Make good clothing, making good clothing will make people wanna buy it.

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