How do i generate a "plains" biome in the terrain editor?

i cant figure out how to switch to the plains biome option and generate that

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  1. Open Terrain Editor
  2. Click on Generate
  3. Modify what biomes should be considered within the Biomes Category.

thats not how you do it, when i select the “plains” biome and deselect every other biome then try to generate terrain, its just cracked lava. last time i ckecked a plains biome is grass…
Also when i try any other biome it always just spawns cracked lava and thats it
Only way ive been able to get any other type of terrain is by going to the fill tool and replacing the lava with something else like grass

That is completely false.

The Terrain Generator works by using a form of 3D Perlin Noise to create the surrounding terrain, like with many 3d terrain generators, the surface will be based on the height its generation, which means that if you have a low height, it will always generate through other caves system, which is where the lava comes from.

Modifying the height will fix that, you are just generating the terrain that is very low to the ground, meaning that the generation will only be the caves as they are lowest points of said surface.

Not to mention, Plains is completely baren within Roblox's generation.

If you are looking for a grassland type biome, you are better off using Hills.

This would be the biome at a very low height

And if I added caves, you would see the bottom of them

Dont blame me, im just guy giving you an answer on how the generation works.

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well then how do i generate grass? i want grass and i cant raise the whole map up…
Last time how i got grass is replacing all the cracked laval with it, but for some reason that stopped working

I think this video should help with the incorrect terrain issue (Sorry if it’s not explained well)

Picture of the terrain editor since my recording didn’t show it

The Sizes I used were

1024x64x1024 and 1024x256x1024
So you are porbably going to have to that.

Otherwise you are probably going to have to create your own generator in which there are some stuff that can help you with that, one example being this.
Or paint over said terrain with whatever material.