dont ask but I wanna deep fry my game
Put "DistortionSoundEffect " in your sound to make the sound bass bost
Use DistortionSoundEffect!
To make it very loud put the volume of the Sound to 10 and Change the Level of the DistortionSoundEffect to 1!
@focuspwroblox1390 @iriskxyz
Using a distortion effect won’t really make it bass boosted, it will just make it sound very loud and scratchy
Well then I don’t think you can really bass boost a sound with roblox’s tools. I guess you have to do it with a some editor. I’m not really an expert with making music and edit music.
I’m surprised nobody here mentions the EqualizerSoundeffect. That allows you to adjust the Bass, Treble, and Mid Gain. You would need to set the LowGain to 10, if not enough bass, you would have to lower the MidGain and HighGain values simultaneously and adjust the volume of the sound.
LowGain: Bass
HighGain: Treble
MidGain: mid part