How do i get a part that is super contrasted/saturated?

i was wondering how you can make 1 part have a high contrast or saturation, but couldn’t figure out how
i’ve tried using highlights (Doesnt really look as good as i wanted and isnt color controllable), and trying to put a colorcorrection inside a part incase (obviously did nothing)

local h, _, v = workspace.Part.Color:ToHSV()
local color = Color3.fromHSV(h, 255, v)
workspace.Part.Color = color

this is basically as saturated a color can technically get
set the part’s material to neon and probably change v to something that makes it not bloom (delete bloom from Lighthing if you dont want bloom in your game at all) Color correction only messes with its hue and value (lightness) at this point

it just returns, .99, .99)

I dont really understand what you mean, surely you can just change the color to make it more constrasted/saturated right? Saturation is just how light it is pretty much, and contrast is a little more complex i suppose but I imagine theres a way to do it.

Also if you mean what I think you mean, then you can use a viewport and put a color correction in the camera used, but I’m probably mistaken.

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i dont want my parts to appear ontop of everything though

then dont put it on top of the other parts.

viewport frames make parts appear on top

no they dont?

untick this

viewport frames dont work how i want it on surfacegui

they also dont work with colorcorrection effect because thats lighting

you can use surfaceGuis and turn up the lightInfluence beyond 1

I don’t think it works without AlwaysOnTop

Do you mean like this?

sides dark cuz of my lighting settings. This does not use neon, just smoothplastic. Infact, the material doesn’t actually matter. It’s made with decals of the color you want in a static version, so for example the purple block is this decal Ifound


but with high properties of color
making it glow a ton

sometimes you want to do like 0, 0, 2000 for a blue color or it might just become white if you did 2000, 2000, 2000



you didn’t increase lightInfluence

High light influence just makes it darker, negative numbers make it black.