How do I get a player's rank by its name. (not Rank#)

Hello, I am trying to make a developer application for a group that I am Co-Owner in, however, the owner has 2 ranks with Rank# of 1. I want the application to kick you if you are above rank Member.

Any help would be great! Thank you.


First off, all group roles will have the name along with the rank ID. If the rank ID is the same for 2 roles, I’d recommend changing that, as it will interfere with the code! With this being said, we can use this script to assist us further with this:

local RankId = 1
local GroupId = 0 -- Change 0 to your group ID!
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    if Players[Client] and Client:GetRankInGroup(GroupId) > RankId then
        Client:Kick("Your access is prohibited!")

This should work, let me know problems you come across regarding this thread! :grin:


I cannot change the Rank ID due to my permissions.

Are you able to contact the group owner?

Yes. I can contact the group owner. I’ll try doing that.

Use plr:GetRoleInGroup(GroupID) which returns the rank name and not ID.