How do i get a string from my table?

Hello there, i wanna get the string from this table i made in my module script but it doesn’t let me?

Anyways this is the code:

if Shop_Frames[Item_Type] then
        --// PROPERTIES //--
        local Get_Items_From_Table = Shop_Frames[Item_Type]
        for i, v in ipairs(Get_Items_From_Table) do
            --// HANDLER //--
            local Item_Name = v -- HOW WOULD I GET THE NAME "Angel","Devil" ETC.
            local Item_Image = v.Image
            local Item_Price = v.Price
            --// ADD TO STORE UI //--
            local Array = {Item_Type, Item_Name, Item_Image, Item_Price} -- {Item_Type, Item_Name, Image, Skins[Item]}
            Load_Store_Elements_Event:FireClient(Player, Array[1], Array[2], Array[3], Array[4])

            return Array
        warn("Something went wrong.")


As you can see on this image that is the line:

local Get_Items_From_Table = Shop_Frames[Item_Type]

I want to get the strings: “Angel”, “Colorful”, “Devil”, “King”. But i don’t know how to.

use pairs instead of ipairs, its the i variable

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