Title says it all. If anyone can help I’d appreciate it.
Do you mean all the “Decals” somebody has uploaded to Roblox?
Yes, sorry typo. I’ll fix it right now
You could look through the target player’s inventory using the API. Someone made a great tutorial on how to use the API here:
Although this code should do the trick, I still highly advise you on reading the tutorial itself.
-- Server
function GetDecals()
local Table = "https://inventory.roproxy.com/v2/users/"..player.UserId.."/inventory?assetTypes=Decal&limit=100&sortOrder=Asc"
local DecalResponse = HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = Table,
Method = "GET"
if DecalResponse.Success then
local TableBody = HttpService:JSONDecode(DecalResponse.Body)
for i, v in pairs(TableBody) do
return v
-- The code below just prints it
local Decals = GetDecals()
if Decals ~= nil then -- Avoid errors
for i, v in pairs(Decals) do
print(v.name, v.assetId) -- Q: It wasnt "Name?" A: Not here
Hello, in studio is works pretty much every time.
In game, it only works sometimes.
I keep getting an error
“Invalid redirect”
Is there any other way to this without HttpService?
You can also use the developer toolbox API for this if you’re looking for public decals and that user has their inventory locked(so the other method doesn’t work):
local function encodeParams(params: {[string]: number | boolean | string}): string
local result = {}
for k, v in pairs(params) do
table.insert(result, k.."="..game.HttpService:UrlEncode(tostring(v)))
return table.concat(result, "&")
local function getUserDecals(userId: number): {number}
--proxy this
local url = "https://apis.roblox.com/toolbox-service/v1/marketplace/13"
--if you want it to return more than 30 use iterative methods with limit, pageNumber
local params = {
limit = 30,
pageNumber = 0,
keyword = "",
creatorType = 1,
creatorTargetId = userId,
includeOnlyVerifiedCreators = false,
querySource = 0
--pcall this
local response = game.HttpService:GetAsync(url.."?"..encodeParams(params))
local data = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(response)
local ids = {}
for _, v in pairs(data.data) do
table.insert(ids, v.id)
return ids
By running getUserDecals(ID)
you get a list of decal ids distributed to the developer marketplace by that user.
Is there a way to do this but for groups?
Probably by replacing creatorTargetId
with the group id and setting creatorType
to 0 or 2(idk which I haven’t tested it).