How do i Get Access to ServerStorage?


I was Wondering how do i get models from ServerStorage, i am making a Map System and i would like to get a certain map from it, how should I do that?

At first i thought of:


But this doesnt appear to work.

Is there another way? Am I Overdoing something?

Please Help,

Is this a LocalScript? Becase you can’t access ServerStorage from the Client.


Well, you can get a reference to ServerStorage by…

local serverStorage = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”)

then once you have that, you can use the reference to look for things inside ServerStorage, such as if you have a map, named “Map1” you would do…

local map = serverStorage:FindFirstChild(“Map1”)
local map = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”):FindFirstChild(“Map1”)

This will of course need to be done in Server scripts, not a LocalScript.

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Yep, I was definitely overdoing something, thanks

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