How Do I Get an Asset Name From an Asset Id

Does anyone know how to get an asset name from an asset id? I’ve tried doing this but it comes up with an error saying Unable to cast string to int64.

while wait() do
	local Text = script.Parent.TextBox.Text
	local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(Text)
	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = Asset.Name.." - "..Asset.Creator.Name
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You need to convert to a number because Text is a string, when GetProductInfo expects a number

while wait() do
	local Text = tonumber(script.Parent.TextBox.Text)
	if not Text then continue end
	local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(Text)
	script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = Asset.Name.." - "..Asset.Creator.Name

Also, can’t you just listen for when the Text property changes instead of a loop?

local gui = script.Parent
	local Text = tonumber(gui.TextBox.Text)
	if not Text then return end
	local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(Text)
	gui.TextLabel.Text = Asset.Name.." - "..Asset.Creator.Name

Thank you, this works. I also want it to return to no text when they delete the text it or if the asset doesn’t exist.

I think you’d have to pcall it

local gui = script.Parent
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

	local Text = tonumber(gui.TextBox.Text)
	if not Text then return end
	local success, asset = pcall(MarketPlaceService.GetProductInfo,MarketPlaceService,Text)
	gui.TextLabel.Text = success and asset.Name.." - "..asset.Creator.Name or ""

If no asset exists for the given id, it errors, so if you contain it in a pcall, it’ll catch if it errored, and if it did, it just sets the text to be empty, else, it sets the text correctly

Accidentally forgot to not capitalize Asset, should work now that all Assets are now asset

Also cause it catches errors, I don’t think if not Text then return end is needed, so you can remove that I believe