How do I get game version instead of place version? Or how do I get the place version of all of the places in one game? [SOLVED]

Hello, I’ve been searching everywhere on a solution to this, I have a place where it is just a main menu and it has a “version” UI. I have another place that is the actual game. I want to either just somehow get the game version or the place version of both places and combine it into one number.


Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, I don’t want the place version of one place (game.PlaceVersion), I want the game version. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

i don’t think the concept of a “game version” exists on roblox since games themselves don’t have version history, only places do. i guess you could just add together the place versions of each game to kind of achieve the same thing (you update the main menu and it adds 1, you update the game and it also adds 1)

however it’s not very easy to find the version of another place that isn’t the one you’re currently in… i think your best bet would be to try a similar method to (this one), where they store the latest version number in a datastore when a game server starts up.

then it’d be a simple matter of gameVersion = game.PlaceVersion + datastoreVersion to achieve an effect similar to what you desired

Okay, interesting. I will definitely try out this method. Then maybe I need to save the DataStore to the place version whenever I update the game. I will mark your post as a solution if it works. Thanks.

Thank you so much. It actually combined 2 place versions!

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