I’ve been trying to figure out how I can get my full avatar in a thumbnail. You probably can already tell I just started making thumbnails but am trying to improve by making better ones. I’ve never made a thumbnail with an actually Roblox avatar in them and I want to learn. I’ve watched video saying you just export it into blender, but I’m wondering if there is anyway to just skip that step and kind of like screenshot it and put it on photopea where I can just make a background for it. If not can you might tell me how you all started to make thumbnails and what I should be doing, or sources on what is really good that I should be watching to improve my thumbnails. I would really appreciate a comment on this, as for now I am kind of struggling on figuring this out.
If you want to get your avatar into some sort of thumbnail without blender, here is what I recommend: Get into roblox studio and make a baseplate. Remove the baseplate and make a part. Color that part a bright green, make it neon / smooth plastic, make it big and rotate it so it is standing up. Add a green screen sky from the toolbox. Put your character against / close to the green screen wall, and take a photo with the windows key + shift + s. After you have your photo saved, just go onto google and find some sort of green screen remover for photos. And boom, you should have a cutout of your roblox avatar!
I will try that out thanks for the reply!
this is great but if you want more realistic lighting, I recommend putting the lights kinda where you want them to be in Roblox studio so that all your shadows appear in the right places. (or just recreate the scene you want in your thumbnail in Roblox studio, and make that the thumbnail, idk)
Also if your character has green on them the greenscreen won’t really work, so you might have to use a different color sometimes.
You can move the character farther away from the wall and mess with the lighting of course.