How do I get my Character Position Easily?

So am trying to get my character position I thought that just doing Character.Position its going to give it to me but no. I tried other things but without success

Here is my script.

I try to tp the player at the position of where the mouse is when he activates the space + LeftClik

Where I want to have the position:

Any help would be appreciated !

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There are two ways I can think of doing it. The first one is to get the HumanoidRootPart’s position of the character, which is the character’s primary part. The second way is to get the pivot position of the character using :GetPivot().Position.

By the way, it gave you an error because you can’t get the position of the model. There’s no such property under it except for the pivot position property.

You could use:

  • Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  • Character:GetPivot().Position
  • Character.PrimaryPart.Position – same as above
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In order to get the position of the character in Roblox, you need to do the following:

local char = plr.Character
local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
local root = hum.RootPart

This will print the position of the player.
Also, when you have a game object, you can get the Humanoid of the player by doing game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid