Right now I’m working on making a system for a Roblox game where I can detect if a player is online and what game they’re in and other things, the only way I’ve seen to do this would be via the presence api endpoint https://presence.roblox.com//docs/index.html and currently when I send the post request I’m not able to accurately obtain the information of a player, right now I’m doing this off roblox in a python script and this is how it goes:
This is my python code:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
import requests
import json
def get_user_presence():
user_id = user_id_entry.get()
if not user_id.isdigit():
messagebox.showerror("Invalid Input", "Please enter a valid numeric User ID.")
proxy_url = "roproxy.com"
url = f"https://presence.{proxy_url}/v1/presence/users"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data = {
"userIds": [int(user_id)]
response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)
if response.status_code == 200:
raw_json = response.json()
print(json.dumps(raw_json, indent=4))
user_presences = raw_json.get("userPresences", [])
if user_presences:
presence_info = user_presences[0]
user_id = presence_info.get('userId', 'N/A')
last_online = presence_info.get('lastOnline', 'N/A')
invisible_mode_expiry = presence_info.get('invisibleModeExpiry', 'N/A')
last_location = presence_info.get('lastLocation', 'N/A') or "Not in a game currently"
game_id = presence_info.get('gameId', 'N/A') or "Not in a game currently"
user_presence_type = presence_info.get('userPresenceType', 'N/A')
if user_presence_type == 0:
presence_status = "Offline"
elif user_presence_type == 1:
presence_status = f"Playing a game ({game_id})"
elif user_presence_type == 2:
presence_status = "In Roblox Studio"
elif user_presence_type == 3:
presence_status = "On Roblox Website"
presence_status = "Unknown Status"
message = f"User ID: {user_id}\n"
message += f"Presence: {presence_status}\n"
message += f"Last Online: {last_online}\n"
message += f"Invisible Mode Expiry: {invisible_mode_expiry}\n"
message += f"Last Location: {last_location}\n"
message += f"Game ID: {game_id}\n"
messagebox.showinfo("User Presence Information", message)
messagebox.showinfo("User Presence Information", "The user is not currently online.")
messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to retrieve presence data. Status Code: {response.status_code}")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
messagebox.showerror("Request Error", f"An error occurred: {e}")
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Roblox User Presence Checker")
label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter User ID:")
user_id_entry = tk.Entry(root, width=30)
check_button = tk.Button(root, text="Check Presence", command=get_user_presence)
I can easily convert to lua to ping the presence api, but i explained why im doing it in python at the moment in the video, so do watch it if you need context.