How do I get out of the new Roblox Studio UI?

I need to get out of the new ROBLOX Studio UI BETA. I have no clue how anything works and I am confused.

Any help is appreciated! Message me for images and such.

(Issue is that I don’t have a “File” tab and thus don’t have access to the beta features page to disable it.)

I don’t have a MacOS so I quite literally can’t test this, but there should be a File button at the very top of your screen


Strange. I thought I’d read in anther post that something major was moved to another location. Try the gear icon just above and right of the workspace window, or any other buttons that you aren’t used to seeing.

Sorry for the late reply…

Can you specify where it is?

EDIT: I found it. It doesn’t include anything that would allow the disablement of the features.
Any other ideas?

Since I believe this is a beta feature, you will want to look for the beta features section.
The button for beta features is located in the File tab. One of the beta features should be active for the new studio UI.

They knows that, but the issue is he can’t find the File tab. See their last comment in the post and the screenshot of Studio.

I apologize for the very late review, I was away from my computer for a few days. I had to reinstall Roblox Studio for the issue to be resolved. Thank you guys for your help.

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