How do I get people to come back to my game?

I would like to address an issue that has been plaguing my game. My game (linked here) heavily relies on advertisements and sponsorships to attract new players. Although this has been successful in bringing in a large influx of new players, I have noticed that the player retention rate is quite low. It appears that players only stick around during the duration of the promotion, and then move on to the next shiny new game.

I recognize that this indicates a lack of substance within my game that fails to capture players’ interests beyond the initial attraction. As such, I am seeking advice on what features I can implement to help establish a more sustainable playerbase, without resorting to exploitative tactics.

I am open to any suggestions that align with ethical game design principles, and would appreciate any guidance on how I can improve my game’s appeal and longevity.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Ok just looking at the the actual page for the game it looks pretty empty and I feel no compulsion to play it.

I recommend creating more thumbnails and try rendering them in Blender and editing them in photoshop/photopea. The name is kind of confusing like why is it called walltap. instead of something like Walltap or Wall Tap. The description can be improved as it doesn’t actually describe the game. Once again the icon for the game is not very eye catching
Obviously if you’re not going for a super colorful simulator type color scheme that’s fine, the thing is it just blends in too well with the actual background for the Roblox page. You can try and mitigate that by adding a colored border to the outside of the icon to make it stand out a little bit. After that of course focus on in game content gameplay, and user experience. Make sure the UI is appealing and the vehicles feel good to drive. But that’s all I have for right now.

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Simply give them reasons to come back. Look at what top experiences do and copy from there. Most top experiences have systems such as daily rewards, missions, constant updates/events that offer limited items, coin/gem boosts for some time, etc. Your goal as a developer when monetizing your game isn’t just earning money but also earning people time which is more useful in the long run, you, as bad as it sounds, must create an addiction loop for your player base that gives them benefits when they come back and punishes them if they don’t do so(for example if they stop playing, they lose a battle pass season and can’t get those items ever again). Also while creating said addiction mechanisms take advantage of the simple things all human brains value the most due to our biology. Try to make the player feel as powerful as possible within your experience even if in reality they have zero power(for example add items they can flex to others, buffs etc) also introduce creativity and friendship/sociability elements within your experience. Allow your player base to create their own stuff(for example a house, a building, a car, an outfit, anything) and create systems that force players to create friendships within the experience itself so those friendships keep them playing that specific game.

Those are only a few tricks many top experiences use but will never admit publicly. Honestly, I think that if you want to have any chances in the Roblox market you have to analyze top experiences marketing behaviors as much as possible.


Make a daily reward system and make the first couple days a HUGE prize. then start slowing down after the streak gets higher because that means the player is hooked. Also use appealing GUI.

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Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on my game. While I appreciate your suggestions, I would like to respectfully clarify some points raised.

Regarding the name of my game, “Walltap” is actually a term commonly used in the world of drifting, which involves lightly tapping the end of a wall to maintain drift angle and momentum. I chose this name to reflect the gameplay mechanics of the game, which involves tapping on walls to maneuver through obstacles while drifting.

I understand that my game has a minimalist feel and that it may not appeal to everyone’s taste. However, I deliberately chose this aesthetic to stand out among the sea of eye-catching games that often rely on bright colors and flashy graphics. I believe that a simple, clean design can be just as eye-catching as a more elaborate one, and can even be more memorable in the long run.

I appreciate your suggestions on improving the game’s description and thumbnails. I will take your feedback into consideration and work to make the description more informative and engaging.

Thank you again for your feedback, and I will continue to strive towards creating a great user experience for my players while staying true to my minimalist design philosophy.

Thank you for your thoughtful response and suggestions on how to improve player retention in my game. Your feedback has given me a new idea for a quest system that I believe will keep players coming back.

The quest system will involve time-limited missions that challenge players to complete specific tasks such as driving 100 laps on the forest map or maybe driving 10 miles on the highway traffic map without crashing into traffic. Players will be able to start quests at any time, but they will have a limited amount of time to complete them before the quest expires.

To incentivize players to participate in the quest system, I plan to introduce a trackpass gamepass that gives players access to better cars and other rewards for completing quests. For example, completing a certain quest in the free version could reward the player with an AE86, while completing the same quest in the paid “trackpass” version could reward them with the same loot, adding on a limited edition S13.

In addition to the quest system, I will also explore adding daily rewards and other events that offer limited items, as well as creating an addiction loop that rewards players for coming back to the game and punishes them for not doing so.

Overall, I agree that analyzing top experiences in the Roblox market is crucial to understanding successful marketing behaviors. Thank you again for your valuable feedback and suggestions, and I look forward to implementing these ideas in my game.