How do I get people to play my new game and I need feedback on what I should add to it

Hello! So, this Topic is going to be kinda be 2 things in one Topic. Pretty much I’m looking for feedback on what I should add or change to my game, so it’s more enjoyable to play, and what ways should I advertise my game and or change as well. I’m going to split this topic into 2 parts.

What should I add or change about my game?

Pick the Most Expensive Item - Roblox
Pretty much, it’s kind of like those “Pick the Longest Answer” games, but instead of typing an answer to a question, you pick between 3 Roblox Catalog Items, and pick the most expensive one. I’ve made the base game, but I haven’t added any other features (except a basic shop and global leaderboards and basic buttons). At the moment, the game feels a bit empty and boring, so I need feedback on what I should add or change to the game. I’ve already planned adding these features into the game: Group rewards, VIP gamepass, revive product, more customizability. So please reply with some ideas you may have! Btw, if you find any bugs, please tell me.

How do I get people to play my new game?

I’m trying to appeal the game to a younger audience, as I don’t really see this game doing that well with an older audience, and I’ve been researching ways to get players, and the main thing people have been saying works well is Sponsoring games, but looking more into it, it seems like sponsoring is kind of a waste of robux. There are so many instances of people spending robux on sponsers, just to get awful conversion rates and high Cost per Play. I also don’t have a lot of robux to spend, so I dont see sponsoring as an option.

I also have spent some time making the game’s Logo eye catching, and I managed to make this:

Is there anything I could do to improve this? I already think it’s decent, but I’m curious what other’s think about it, so gimme your opinions!

Another way I could try to get players, is getting smaller youtubers to play my game, I could script a “troll admin GUI” for youtubers or something, but the problem with that, is that the game needs players playing for the youtubers to have something to do. I also have a small Youtube channel, where I post my devlogs for the other small projects I make on roblox. I recorded all the footage of me developing it, so I could try to make a devlog or something to promote it as well.

I also could try optimizing the game’s SEO in the description, but I’m not really sure how I should go about this.

This game is my first actual fully made project, unlike my other projects, and I’ve spent a month making this alone, and it would be nice to see people playing it! If you have any suggestions on what I should do, please reply!


Hi there,

How to get the most players are sponsorships and advertisements. Also you can start make a Discord community and invite you friends, and start partnerships with other small developers, projects, or what ever.

Sometimes also work to play your own game and your friends will join, and who knows their friends also join. To get people back you need to add rewards. Add premium benefits (they will get stuff, you will get a revenue from Roblox called ‘Premium Payouts’. Maybe add daily rewards. So if they come every day back they can claim a item. Also you can add Daily Challenges. You can add global leaderboards, who got the most coins, wins or anything (if you got leaderstats in the game). And add badges, like ‘You Played!’, ‘You met Developer’ or ‘Your first Choice’. Awarding is the best system in my opinion the get people and keep them interessed.

Kind regards,



So, I played the game and noticed that the map and UI look quite basic. I suggest remaking both of them and adding more stuff to the lobby Overall, I tested it and the idea was unique.


Thanks for the opinion! The map is more of a placeholder until I decide to remake it. How should I improve on the UI? I’m not the greatest in terms of UI design, so I’m wondering if you have any ideas on what I should change/remake regarding the UI.


You can try making the UI smaller. It’s kind of too big. I see you added UI corners. Make it look like a circle and try adding outlines. I’m not very good at UI either, but try watching some UI tutorials.

The UI depends on your choice how you want it to be :slightly_smiling_face:


This is the best video for ideas to upgrade you ui design. Its from the roblox team.


This idea is pretty cool, but your game needs a LOT of polishing. Sorry if i will be a bit harsh but i will be telling you what i think and what would players think when they play the game.

The ui is very basic and not visually appealing and i would also recommend making the shop a scrolling frame as we cannot see everything inside it

The screen orientation should be changed to “LandscapeSensor” (in starter gui) so that it will automatically be changed on mobile

And you should definitely make a map or hire someone

If you really polish the game and make it really good looking i think it could become popular
Good luck!


Thanks for your opinion! The shop is a scrolling frame (each tab is stored in a scrolling frame), but I guess I somehow messed it up lol, I see that the main problem with the game is the UI, I’ll remake it. I didn’t really bother with it, since I find it boring making UI, I’d rather script instead of building or making UI lol. I’ll make sure to fix the orientation issue as well!


I could remake the UI for you if you’d like. I’m not a UI designer but I’d consider myself decent.

If you’re interested, I’d do it for 300 robux
Lmk :slight_smile:


Honestly the thing that is speaking to me the most is the fact that the trend is well… dead. So the trend playerbase you were trying to use is pretty much dead.


Sponsorships works, you just need to throw 10k or so everyday at sponsors until the roblox algorthim picks up your experince. Spending money on tiktok ads works too if you can’t afford Sponsors.

It might be better to delay the release of this until UGC access becomes open to everyone, that way you can spend 10-20k robux on UGC Limiteds and use those to get people in your game.