How Do I Get Rid of The Topbar?

Heya there! I am lceyDex a reletively small developer working on a model. And the model is…a introducton GUI! Or credit GUI, whatever you wish to call it, but I am having some trouble.

I want to have the GUI full screen for about 30 seconds. Yet I don’t know how to hide the top bar temporarily… Screenshot:

If anyone can support me with a script, or how to do it or even just telling me it is or isn’t possible. Like a lot of people do I watched a YouTube video and immediately got irretated by his voice, and my attention was just completely gone within the first 20 seconds of me watching.

(It’s a Discord attachment because the file was to big otherwise)

I don’t use GUI often, only if I need to make something like credits I will. Like I said please send a small script, variables or hints to get me going, anything related to giving me advice or help is fine.


Just a heads up this is my third post ever, so if I am explaining it wrong or anything PLEASE let me know, I guess you could say I am a newbie towards the DevForum posting.

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All you need to do is set the IgnoreGuiInset property of the ScreenGui to true.


Made the same thing that @ProBaturay said (but put to true)

Or made what @ProBaturay said (but put to true) and put this in a local script inside playerscripts

local startergui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
startergui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)

Thank you so much mate, this was a big help lol. It was stupid of me to not test different things before asking.