Why are those shadows so weirdly shaped? how do I fix them?
looks like a texture issue try auto smooth on those parts
Try turning CastShadow in the Parts properties off
Because there are errors to how the mesh is calculated sometimes, alongside the lighting engine’s limitations, these weird shadows are bound to happen. It’s not always perfect. This shadow is most likely casted by the celestial body(the sun).
Try setting its CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition. If that doesn’t fix it try this:
First, Duplicate the door and make sure both of the doors are in the same size and are in the same place. Set one of the doors CollisionFidelity to Box and turn off CanCollide. Set the other doors Transparency to 1 and set its CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition. That should fix it
I did think that was the issue as well, tried to fix it but the weird shadows were still there. guess its bc of the roblox lightning limits as Operatik has said