How do i get testers for my game?

Alright second time trying to post this. Hopefully this is the correct category.

I’ve been developing a game solo for a while now and I think I’m ready to get testers for feedback/suggestions, maybe it could even provide a small snowball effect to get an audience interested in my game. Most of the game’s core mechanics are finished, but it still needs more content and polishing.

How would I find people who are interested in becoming a tester for my game? Are there any communities such as discord servers for this? I’d prefer people who wouldn’t mind testing for free or for an in-game item.


I’ll be down to test! What kind of game is it? Also I can test on mobile!

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social media… they’re like zombies man


Thanks :slight_smile:

The game is inspired from plates of fate, where players have to survive randomized events on their own plates until only one remains. The catch is that instead of each player getting their own plate, there is just one plate.

You can check out the game by going into my profile, then my group (The Adequate Group) and its under there.


I joined the group I will test later!


Consider joining the Discord server “QA Central”. QA Central
It’s fully free, and although I personally have never tried it, it seems quite promising as it is very active.


I tested it and I think you may want to add more variation in the events maybe some like player x is a zombie try and survive. Also the baseplate barely grows or shrinks I would make that a more prominent feature! I did not run into any bugs during my play time! It was a fun game good luck!

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Thanks for the testing! I like the idea of a zombie apocalypse event, and I’ll experiment with increasing the amount that the plate is grown/shrunk by.

I’d be down to test a few more times in exchange for some in game stuff!

I’ll play test it for an in-game item! Mostly social media works best. I’ve seen it work in a certain forum I’m not sure if im allowed to name here.

Thanks. Testers will get all gamepasses for free when I implement them!

Testers will get all gamepasses for free! Ive checked out some communities that test roblox games and I’m planning to make a few social media accounts to advertise.

How would I go about like enlisting for the gametesting

If you join my group i can give you the tester role : )
There is a discord server too but its pretty dead at the moment.

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