How do I get the classic Roblox camera script?

Hi, I was wondering how I can get the classic roblox camera script into my game. A video I took from a 2008 client:

I’ve searched on the internet and on the DevForum, but I couldn’t find anything. I know it’s possible because I’ve seen other games do it. Any help would be appreciated.

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I think you would just need to write your own classic Roblox camera script. I believe games with the classic camera did that too.

Under the CameraModule script inside of the PlayerModule, there are 2 scripts named ClassicCamera and LegacyCamera. One of these is probably what I’m looking for, but I don’t know how to get them out of ModuleScript form.
Roblox Studio 6_27_2022 11_52_57 AM

Where is this in Studio? e.g where is it under.

PlayerModule appears in StarterPlayerScripts when you run or play your game, along with a few other scripts.

So just this?

It is legacy, classic camera is something different. ( I don’t know if this would actually work as there is probably a reason why its a module) If you are looking to actually run the thing, find the thing that says require(game.StarterPack.StarterPlayerScripts.RbxCharacterSounds.PlayerModule.CameraModule.[replace with legacy])

local ZERO_VECTOR2 =
local PITCH_LIMIT = math.rad(80)

local Util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraUtils"))
local CameraInput = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraInput"))

--[[ Services ]]--
local PlayersService = game:GetService('Players')

--[[ The Module ]]--
local BaseCamera = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("BaseCamera"))
local LegacyCamera = setmetatable({}, BaseCamera)
LegacyCamera.__index = LegacyCamera

	local self = setmetatable(, LegacyCamera)

	self.cameraType = Enum.CameraType.Fixed
	self.lastUpdate = tick()
	self.lastDistanceToSubject = nil

	return self

function LegacyCamera:GetModuleName()
	return "LegacyCamera"

--[[ Functions overridden from BaseCamera ]]--
function LegacyCamera:SetCameraToSubjectDistance(desiredSubjectDistance)
	return BaseCamera.SetCameraToSubjectDistance(self,desiredSubjectDistance)

function LegacyCamera:Update(dt: number): (CFrame, CFrame)

	-- Cannot update until cameraType has been set
	if not self.cameraType then return end

	local now = tick()
	local timeDelta = (now - self.lastUpdate)
	local camera = 	workspace.CurrentCamera
	local newCameraCFrame = camera.CFrame
	local newCameraFocus = camera.Focus
	local player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer

	if self.lastUpdate == nil or timeDelta > 1 then
		self.lastDistanceToSubject = nil
	local subjectPosition: Vector3 = self:GetSubjectPosition()

	if self.cameraType == Enum.CameraType.Fixed then
		if subjectPosition and player and camera then
			local distanceToSubject = self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance()
			local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVectorFromArg(nil, CameraInput.getRotation())

			newCameraFocus = camera.Focus -- Fixed camera does not change focus
			newCameraCFrame =, camera.CFrame.p + (distanceToSubject * newLookVector))

	elseif self.cameraType == Enum.CameraType.Attach then
		local subjectCFrame = self:GetSubjectCFrame()
		local cameraPitch = camera.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesYXZ()
		local _, subjectYaw = subjectCFrame:ToEulerAnglesYXZ()
		cameraPitch = math.clamp(cameraPitch - CameraInput.getRotation().Y, -PITCH_LIMIT, PITCH_LIMIT)
		newCameraFocus =*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(cameraPitch, subjectYaw, 0)
		newCameraCFrame = newCameraFocus*, 0, self:StepZoom())

	elseif self.cameraType == Enum.CameraType.Watch then
		if subjectPosition and player and camera then
			local cameraLook = nil

			if subjectPosition == camera.CFrame.p then
				warn("Camera cannot watch subject in same position as itself")
				return camera.CFrame, camera.Focus

			local humanoid = self:GetHumanoid()
			if humanoid and humanoid.RootPart then
				local diffVector = subjectPosition - camera.CFrame.p
				cameraLook = diffVector.unit

				if self.lastDistanceToSubject and self.lastDistanceToSubject == self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() then
					-- Don't clobber the zoom if they zoomed the camera
					local newDistanceToSubject = diffVector.magnitude

			local distanceToSubject: number = self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance()
			local newLookVector: Vector3 = self:CalculateNewLookVectorFromArg(cameraLook, CameraInput.getRotation())

			newCameraFocus =
			newCameraCFrame = - (distanceToSubject * newLookVector), subjectPosition)

			self.lastDistanceToSubject = distanceToSubject
		-- Unsupported type, return current values unchanged
		return camera.CFrame, camera.Focus

	self.lastUpdate = now
	return newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus

I’m probably on the wrong track with that then.

Adding on to what you said earlier, it used to be possible to restore the old camera effect without writing your own script, as shown in a youtube video posted in 2018 by MaximumADHD that I’ll link.

Unfortunately, I believe this was posted before the “2018 PlayerScripts Update”, so the LocalScript called CameraScript no longer appears by default when you run the game.

Also, the update is mentioned in a note at the top of PlayerModule. Full PlayerModule script:

	PlayerModule - This module requires and instantiates the camera and control modules,
	and provides getters for developers to access methods on these singletons without
	having to modify Roblox-supplied scripts.

	2018 PlayerScripts Update - AllYourBlox

local PlayerModule = {}
PlayerModule.__index = PlayerModule

	local self = setmetatable({},PlayerModule)
	self.cameras = require(script:WaitForChild("CameraModule"))
	self.controls = require(script:WaitForChild("ControlModule"))
	return self

function PlayerModule:GetCameras()
	return self.cameras

function PlayerModule:GetControls()
	return self.controls

function PlayerModule:GetClickToMoveController()
	return self.controls:GetClickToMoveController()

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I know I am late to this conversation but you can use this old camera script that I have laying around to achieve the effect using the video.
OldCamera.rbxm (74.9 KB)

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