So if this is hard to understand but basically I need to get the dot product but then make a new vector where the dot product is and then get the cross product of that vector and the vector I used to get the dot product of that vector
The dot product is just the length of the projection of one vector onto another. There is no newly created vector, it is just a scalar value.
What are you trying to do exactly?
yeah i know that i just want to place a vector where the dot product is between the two vectors
If you want to get the vector between two vectors, just use lerp.
VectorA:Lerp(VectorB, .5)
What does lerp do exactly? isnt that like tweening or something?
Its a linear interpolation between two values. In other words, is a percentage of difference or distance.
.5 lerp is the midway point between two numbers, vectors, etc. .25 is a quarter of the way between two numbers, vectors, etc.
but how is that giving me a vector though?
does it return a unit vector?
It returns the percentage difference between any two vectors, not just unit vectors. You can use it for position too, if you want the exact midpoint vector between two vector positions.
I asked if it returned a unit vector not that I knew it did but thanks I get it
So like would I set that to a variable?
local newVector = VectorA:Lerp(VectorB, .5)
Yes, that is correct. Just remember than when not doing an exact midpoint, it matters which vector is before the lerp.
Alright so how can I get the cross product of that vector along with the vector I used to get that vector
Just say
local CrossVector = VectorA:Cross(VectorB)
VectorA being one of the two vectors used to get VectorB, via the lerp.
Oh dang thanks well wow; alright